Features of Appilix

Appilix offers advanced features that ensure a smooth, efficient, and customizable website-to-app conversion for an exceptional mobile experience.

Content Synchronization

Live Content Sync

Instantly sync your website content with the app, ensuring real-time updates in your website to app.


Resource Caching

Optimize app performance with resource caching for a faster experience in your web to app.


Push Notification

Increase user engagement with push notifications sent directly from the Appilix or from your own website. Seamlessly integrate with Firebase for real-time delivery to keep your website to app users informed.


Revenue Generation

Maximize your app’s revenue potential by integrating AdMob for targeted ads. Effortlessly generate income while enhancing user experience and tapping into a vast network for web to app monetization.


Uploads & Downloads

Enable file uploads and downloads within the app, improving your website to mobile app functionality.


Hardware Access

Manage camera, microphone, and location permissions in your website into app for seamless integration.

Integration Modules

Addons of Appilix Web to App Builder

Enhance your website to app experience with powerful addons, offering customization, flexibility, and additional features for seamless performance.

Firebase Push Notification

Integrate Firebase to send Push Notification to all app users directly from the Appilix Control Panel.

Admob Ads

Integrate Admob to display ads and boost revenue, unlocking full monetization potential for your website to app solution.

Navigation Drawer

Add a navigation drawer for easy access, enhancing your website to mobile app experience with a real app-like interface.

Bottom Navigation

Display quick navigation menu on the bottom of the app to provide easy and seamless user experience.

Splash Screen

Set an initial screen with custom logo and background that appears when the application is launched.

Deep Link

Automatically open the app when your website is being browsed or the website URL being clicked on other apps.

App Bar

Add a fully customizable app bar at the top, offering a native, seamless look in your website into app experience.

Custom CSS & JS

Add custom CSS or Javascript codes to customize the website to app experience with extra features.

Native Google Sign-in

Enable Google sign-in for native authentication, making it easier for users to access your website in mobile app securely.

Biometric Authentication

Enhance your security for the entire app or specific part of your app with biometric authentication system.

Floating Action Button

Shows a simple floating action button in the bottom of the app to provide users a quick navigation to specific URL.

Floating Speed Dial

Shows an advanced floating action button in the bottom of the app to provide users a quick navigation to different URLs.

App Tracking Transparency

App Tracking Transparency request user permission via a pop-up to access and share tracking data to other companies.


Enables the connection to AppsFlyer, a leading SaaS mobile marketing analytics and attribution platform.

In-App Purchase

In-App Purchase allows you to sell digital products via Apple's payment system. It's required when selling digital products.

If you have any suggestions for new features or improvements, please Contact Us

Transform Your Website into a Mobile App!

Ready to bring your website to life on Android and iOS? With Appilix, converting your website to an Android and iOS app is easier—no coding required! Start now and elevate your business on both mobile platforms.

Get Started Now

Frequently asked questions

See the list below for our most frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed here, then feel free to contact us.

Do I need a Google Play or App Store Developer Account?

Yes you need to have your own Google Play or App Store Developer Account if you want to publish the app in Google Play Store or App Store.

Do I need coding skills to build the App?

Appilix can convert your website into an app without any coding by you. It's that simple like give us your website address and have your app ready.

What will happen if I update my site content later?

Appilix loads your website as an app so if you update your website content or design, your app will start showing the updated content automatically.

What kind of websites can be converted into App?

Any website, built using any language or service can be converted into an app using Appilix. You don't need any additional coding or reconfiguration in your website.

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