Stay updated with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes. Track all changes as we enhance your experience from website to app.
New improvements have been made in existing features as well as new integration modules are released.
Enables the connection to AppsFlyer, a leading SaaS mobile marketing analytics and attribution platform.
23 March 2025Allows to sell digital products via Apple's payment system. It's required by Apple when selling digital subscription in your website.
13 March 2025Allows to request user permission via a pop-up to access and share tracking data to other companies.
13 March 2025Added the ability to prompt users for notification permission again if it was previously declined. To trigger this, use the following Javascript in your webpage: window.location.href = "appilix-permission://notification";
Other permissions can be asked similarly, i.e.
13 March 2025Allows to set the approach to hide the loader screen based on page loading percentage or based on visibility in the viewport.
12 March 2025New improvements have been made in existing features.
Allows to set the position of the Navigation Drawer to display on the Left or Right side of the screen.
07 February 2025Allows to enable or disable the drag gesture to open Navigation Drawer.
07 February 2025Allows to change the position or direction of the navigation items title to display on left or right side of the menu.
06 February 2025Allows to set spefici background color and logo-title color of the selected item in Bottom Navigation Bar.
06 February 2025New functionality has been developed for better app enhancement.
Allows uploading a custom notification sound for Firebase Push Notification.
19 December 2024Allows changing the logo size in the splash screen.
19 December 2024Allows changing the icon size of the items in the Bottom Navigation Bar.
19 December 2024Allows changing the font size of the title of items in the Bottom Navigation Bar.
19 December 2024New Integration Module added and improved existing features.
Allows verifying the device owner using Face ID, Fingerprint, Pass Lock, or Pattern Lock before showing confidential content.
25 November 2024Issues with file downloads from certain websites have been fixed.
25 November 2024Improved app builder for faster building of both Android and iOS apps to reduce wait time.
25 November 2024Customisation of various views in Dark Mode has been added to enhance user experience in low-light settings.
Allows changing the status bar color when the device is in Dark Mode.
19 October 2024Allows customising the circle loader screen when the device is in Dark Mode.
19 October 2024Allows customising the error display screen when the device is in Dark Mode.
19 October 2024Allows customising the Navigation Drawer when the device is in Dark Mode.
19 October 2024Allows customising the Bottom Navigation Bar when the device is in Dark Mode.
19 October 2024Bunch of integration modules have been added with more functionality to existing modules.
Enables native Sign-in with Google feature in the app so that users can choose their device's account to login with.
18 September 2024Shows a simple floating action button at the bottom of the app to provide users quick navigation to a specific URL.
18 September 2024Shows an advanced floating action button at the bottom of the app to provide users quick navigation to different URLs.
18 September 2024Allows adding AdMob interstitial ad units to display full-screen ads in the app to generate more revenue.
18 September 2024Allows grouping multiple menu items under a menu. By adding two caret symbols (^^) before the Menu Title, it will be considered as the submenu of the parent menu. Read this Knowledge-base for more details.
18 September 2024Using appilix-drawer://open in the Bottom Navigation's item action or in the website as <a href="appilix-drawer://open">Open Drawer</a>, the navigation drawer can be opened.
18 September 2024For iOS App, this customization allows showing content from the topmost side of the screen so that the app appears below the notch.
18 September 2024New improvements have been made in existing technologies.
Allows app users to choose in which folder the file should be saved before downloading it.
06 August 2024Shows a download progress notification in the notification tray while the file is being downloaded.
06 August 2024Fixed an issue where the loader screen was being displayed forever during some events on certain websites.
06 August 2024Using appilix-navigation://backward in the Navigation Drawer or Bottom Navigation's item action can be used as a back button to go to the previous page.
06 August 2024Using appilix-navigation://forward in the Navigation Drawer or Bottom Navigation's item action can be used as a forward button to go to the next page.
06 August 2024Using appilix-navigation://reload in the Navigation Drawer or Bottom Navigation's item action can be used to reload the current page.
06 August 2024Using appilix-launch:// in the Navigation Drawer or Bottom Navigation's item action can open a specific URL in the default browser or app (e.g., a "Rate Us" menu for your Play Store or App Store page URL).
06 August 2024New tool developed for WordPress owners.
Allows WordPress owners to send push notifications automatically based on different post types or WooCommerce order status changes. Download the Plugin to install it on your WordPress site.
08 July 2024New customization settings have been added, and the app SDK for Android has been updated.
Allows displaying animations (GIFs) as the background image on the splash screen.
26 June 2024From this update, all Android apps will now target SDK 35.
26 June 2024New customization settings have been added.
Allows you to hide or show the logo on the splash screen.
30 May 2024Allows you to control whether the iOS home indicator appears at the top or bottom of the screen.
30 May 2024Allows changing the text color of the error message.
23 May 2024Allows changing the text color of the "Try Again" button on the error screen.
23 May 2024Allows changing the background color of the "Try Again" button on the error screen.
23 May 2024Allows showing or hiding the Admob Banner Ad on specific web pages.
03 May 2024New customization settings added and minor bugs fixed.
Allows changing the background color of the loader screen. Supports alpha color codes, e.g., #00000000 for transparent background.
30 April 2024Allows changing the background color of the default error screen.
30 April 2024Fixed the issue preventing base64 file downloads.
30 April 2024Allows showing or hiding the Navigation Drawer on specific web pages.
14 April 2024Allows showing or hiding the Bottom Navigation Bar on specific web pages.
14 April 2024Now the app can be forced to remain in Landscape Mode.
05 April 2024If a user declines the notification request, the device is still recognized, and the user will receive notifications once accepted.
05 April 2024Fixed an issue where text shared by the appilix-share:// protocol had spaces replaced with %20. Now the text retains spaces and formatting.
05 April 2024Unlocked some existing feature for iOS app to provide the same experience in Android & iOS apps.
Set a custom webpage URL to be displayed on opening the app from clicking on the Notification from the Notification Tray. This feature was already available in Android apps, now it's unlocked for iOS apps also. Existing iOS Apps need to be rebuilt to have this feature working.
09 March 2024New integration module has been developed for both Android and iOS Apps.
Automatically open the app when your website is being browsed or the website URL being clicked on other apps.
26 February 2024Previously, sometimes, the Custom URL that should be displayed on notification clicked, was not working or working with a delay. This issue has been fixed.
13 February 2024As from April 29, 2024, all iOS and iPadOS apps must be built with the iOS 17 SDK or later. All of our iOS App Builders have been updated with the latest SDK.
13 February 2024Now a different status bar design can be added in the Splash Screen separately.
02 February 2024Existing features have been updated to fix several issues.
Issue on changing status bar background color and icon color in iOS App has been fixed.
23 January 2024Issue on showing error page sometimes unexpectedly in iOS App has been fixed.
23 January 2024File download notification does not work in all devices, especially in iOS. So the feature has been updated with showing popup notification inside the app when download is started or finished.
23 January 2024Feature to share a link or text from website or navigation menu item has been introduced. Any URL with the custom scheme appilix-share:// will open share popup.
23 January 2024New customization functionalities have been added in several modules.
Now the background color of the drawer can be changed. Also, drawer menu items text color & icon color can be customized.
14 December 2023Font size of the App Bar's title text can be modified now.
14 December 2023Allows sending notifications directly from your website to users on dynamic events.
09 December 2023Issue in receiving Push Notification in iOS app when the app is terminated by OS or User has been fixed.
02 December 2023Now Push Notifications can be sent to all app users or specific app user at a time.
02 December 2023Few issues raised from some of our users have been fixed to make the Android or iOS app more compatible.
Websites that use caching technology and have elements depending on screen size, faced issues to render sometimes. This issue has been fixed.
18 November 2023In Push Notification, when a new notification is received, the previous one was getting removed. It has been solved and now all the notification will be in the Notification Tray until they are cleared or actioned.
18 November 2023New advanced settings have been added to provide backend level modification to iOS App.
Message in Info.plist file to display to the user when the app asks for permission to access the camera.
05 November 2023Message in Info.plist file to display to the user when the app asks for permission to access the microphone.
05 November 2023Message in Info.plist file to display to the user when the app asks for permission to access the location.
05 November 2023New customization setting has been developed in the Firebase Push Notification module.
Functionality to choose a custom one-colored notification icon that will be displayed in the Android status bar on notification received.
22 October 2023Improvement has been made in the app builder to have latest app building techniques.
Android App Logo will be automatically squared or circled according to device theme's criteria using Adaptive icon technology. All latest builds from now will have this feature included. Rebuilding old apps will also get this feature.
19 October 2023New functionalities have been introduced to provide best web to app conversion.
Enable to allow the app to open popup window. This is necessary for some sites having popup related functionality.
29 September 2023If the IPA is not uploaded automatically due to restriction or security in your Apple Developer Account, you can now change the upload method to "App Specific Password" and Appilix will make sure to upload the IPA to App Store.
29 September 2023iOS subscription plan is live now! Now not only Android, you can convert your website into an iOS app using Appilix and publish the app to App Store. This is the new beginning of a journey to convert website into app for multiple platforms.
20 September 2023Display a customizable App Bar or Toolbar at the top of your app to give complete flavor of real app.
18 September 2023Display a navigation drawer with quick access menu in your app to give complete flavor of real app.
18 September 2023Enable double back press to exit app confirmation popup in the app to provide easy exit feature to users.
18 September 2023Add custom CSS style or Javascript codes that will only work in the app to bring extra customization.
13 September 2023Some issues have been fixed and improved. More customization settings have been introduced.
Issue on downloading files those were in blob format has been fixed.
08 August 2023New and advanced tools have been integrated to handle in-app file downloading.
08 August 2023Setting to display Admob banner ad over the website content or below has been developed.
08 August 2023Setting to change the default Try Again button text has been introduced.
08 August 2023New integration module system has been added to make the app look way more better.
Allows display a quick navigation menu on the bottom of the app to improve user experience.
31 July 2023Allows to enable or disable text selection and copying texts of the site in the app.
16 July 2023Allows to enable or disable taking screenshot or record the screen when the app is opened.
16 July 2023System to easily control advanced functionality like Splash Screen, Push Notification, Admob or other upcoming features to be used in the app.
16 July 2023Disallowed sites from opening inside app have been added to easily open facebook, whatsapp or other links in their default app or device's default browser.
05 July 2023Issues on file downloading on some apps where download requires users to be logged-in has been fixed.
05 July 2023Mixed content mode has been added to fix loading sites those have https:// protocol but some resources have http:// protocol.
05 July 2023Hybrid composition has been enabled to make the app usages more smooth.
05 July 2023Whole Appilix system has been updated with a bunch of new features and improved performance.
Now apps won't be slow anymore and will be as fast as the website is. For this, now app building waiting time has been increased to 10 minutes.
22 June 2023Complete app has been re-developed with all latest and up-to-date libraries.
22 June 2023Set background image on your Splash Screen to make it look more attractive.
22 June 2023Force your app to be used in portrait or landscape mode.
22 June 2023Enable to run the app in fullscreen mode, no status bar will be visible then.
22 June 2023Enable to allow app users to zoom the content of the App.
22 June 2023Allows to download file directly inside the app without transferring them to browser.
22 June 2023New features have been added to make you reach more to your users and also earn revenue from ads.
Integrate Firebase to send Push Notifications to all app users without any limitations.
12 August 2021Display own Admob Banner Ads in the app to generate revenue when app users click on them.
12 August 2021Appilix has changed its vision
In this update, Appilix changed its vision and not only targeting WordPress sites, it covered all public websites to be converted into Android App. Anyone can simply enter their website address, choose app name, upload app logo and build the app to publish into Google Play Store.
02 June 2021Release of Appilix
This is the initial release of Appilix. In this release, Appilix started it's journey with the moto to convert any WordPress Blog into an Android App. This release Drag & Drop Powerful App Builder with simple app functionality.
01 March 2021